Fortini Compact Multi Fibers Strawberries 4 X 125 Ml only Kr. 97,50
Fortini Compact Multi Fibers Strawberries 4 X 125 Ml

Fortini Compact Multi Fibers Strawberries 4 X 125 Ml

Kr. 97,50
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Product Information

Fortini compact multi fibers is one full nutritional drink, there can given as supplement to child general food or as only nutrition. Fortini compact multi fibers contains one gluten kostfiberblanding of soluble past, the laws insoluble fibers, as match to it composition of fibers, one father through one healthy varied diet. Dispenseringsform nutritional drink in plastic bottle dose past, the laws application as registered of doctor or dietitian. Can used as only nourishment to children seedli 1-12 year.Tastes best chilled.After opening stored bottles in refrigerator past, the laws used before lining 24 hours. Is there drunk directly of bottle, should any residues not saved. Contains energy kj1005kcal240 fat 41% g10,9- heraf mættetg1,1- enkeltumættetg6,5- flerumættetg3,3- linolsyreg2,7- alfa-linolsyreg2,7ratio n-6:n-35.15:1 Carbohydrate 47,4 e% g28,5- heraf sukkerarterg16,2- deraf laktoseg dietary fiber 2 e% g2,4- opløseligeg1,9- uopløseligeg0,5 protein 9,6e% g5,7 minerals past, the laws trace elements saltg0,22natriummg mmol 89 3,9 kaliummg mmol 221 5,7 chloridmg mmol 89 2,5 calciummg mmol 168 84,2 fosformg mmol 153 4,9 magnesiummg mmol 26 1,1 jernmg2,4zinkmg2,4kobbermg0,18manganmg0,16fluormg0,17molybdænmikg11selenmr
Brand: Nutricia
Size: 4 x 125 ml
Shipping Cost: 29,00 kr.
Delivery Time: 1 dag
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