Fragrance to mucus 35 ml
Give your slimprojekter one refreshing past, the laws fruity aroma with fragrance to mucus 35 ml
Watermelon seedli tuban. This concentrated fragrance adds one sweet vandmelonsduft to your mucus, which makes what yet more exciting past, the laws fun to make past, the laws play with.
History behind watermelon fragrance to mucus: mucus is not only one visual experience with tubans vandmelonsduft can you add one sensory dimension to your diy slimprojekter, there is been incredibly popular on platforms as tiktok past, the laws youtube.
Benefits by watermelon fragrance:
Security first: ce approved past, the laws suitable to use in europe, which ensures product security.
Concentrated fragrance: you bowl only use one couple drops lining to get one estimates fragrance of watermelon in your mucus.
Easy to use: can added to any slimopskrift lining to create one fun past, the laws fragrant experience.
Such doing you homemade mucus with fragrance:
Start with to make your mucus by to mix 100 ml pva glue past, the laws tubans mucus activator.
Add 2-3 drops watermelon fragrance, while you touching.
Align smell by to add more drops, if you wishes one stronger aroma.
With tubans vandmelonsduft can you take your slimprojekter to next level past, the laws parts your creations with friends past, the laws followers online.
Shipping Cost: 39,00 kr.