Udgravningssæt with five ædelstenar
Searches you after one exciting past, the laws entertaining activity this udgravningssæt with five ædelstenar will take your curiosity past, the laws patience to new heights.
This is one lerblok, there hides five gemstone, past, the laws ground is to dig clay away, till you finds them. What is one fun activity, there match to avenue ages past, the laws keeps fingers busy employed past, the laws concentration sharp. What best is, to you father five beautiful gemstone, fool you is finished.
Kit contains:
1 Lerblok
5 Hidden gemstone
1 Brush
1 Scraping tool
Painter: 3 x 12,5 cm materials: clay, stone, wood
Kit is one great made to explore exciting gemstone past, the laws have what fun while. Book your udgravningssæt with five gemstone in day past, the laws beginning your own treasure hunt home. What is one fun past, the laws instructive activity lining avenue ages.
Shipping Cost: 39,00 kr.