Is you on looking after one beautiful past, the laws luxurious add to your next celebration or event sa is our white paper straws with metallic, gold stars what perfect election these beautiful sugrør will add one wonderful touch of elegance past, the laws glamor to any almost past, the laws will without doubt impress your guests.Our paper straws is not only beautiful past, the laws luxurious, but dè is also environmentally friendly past, the laws biological degradable, which means, to you can dress up up with style without to damage our beautiful planet. Dè is made of strong paper, which means, to dè not will be soft past, the laws collapse, himself fool dè used in further time.These white sugrør with metallic, gold stars is perfect to any celebration apartment, where you wishes to add a little elegance past, the laws glamor. Use them to weddings, anniversaries, new year's eve or any other formula event, where you wishes to create one unforgettable experience lining your guests.Our paper straws is 19,5 centimeters long, which makes them perfect to drinks past, the laws cocktails. With 10 paragraph. In one package is you well covered in to to impress your guests with stylish opdækninger.Sa why wait purchase your white paper straws with metallic, gold stars in day past, the laws makes your celebration or event to one beautiful past, the laws luxurious success our fast delivery past, the laws great customer service will sure lining, to you have everything, what you need lin...
Shipping Cost: 39,00 kr.