Have you always difficulty with to keep water interest past, the laws healthy lining your chickens past, the laws another poultry this drink vending machine with spout to poultry is the solution with this drikkebeholder can you give your poultry fresh drinking water, without to what becomes contaminated of excreta, leaves etc.. It can spacious up to 12 liter water, past, the laws it can closed quite. Thus bowl water not changed each day, past, the laws this saves you time. Hens, pheasants past, the laws another poultry can drink water through spout. Drikkeautomaten coming with three drikketude, one layer past, the laws one robust suspension. You can easy adjust height with what adjustable suspension. Material: 100 % ppmål: 32 x 39 cm diameter x h capacity: 12 lnettovægt: 870 gmed adjustable ophængmontering collection required: yes
Shipping Cost: 69,00 kr.