This doghouse protects your furry friend meet unfavorable weather, past, the laws what gives it one place, where it can rest past, the laws relax of. Dog house is manufactured of plastic, which makes what easy to clean. What uv-resistant past, the laws rainproof tag gives excellent protection meet sun past, the laws rain, sa dog house keeps in many year. What raised floor is designed to to protect past, the laws keep your pets dry. What great interior gives your pets larger mobility. What is easy to obtain ventilation seedli more directions thanks be openings front past, the laws rear. Color: gråmateriale: plastikmål: 92 x 87 x 91 cm l x b x h goals, dies: 35,5 x 53 cm b x h height, floor: 8,5 cmdet high floor protects dogs meet regnmed openings front past, the laws rear uv resistant smooth surface lining easy rengøringegnet to udendørsbrugmontering collection required: yes
Brand: Boligcenter
Shipping Cost: 69,00 kr.