2-i-1 Freezable Chew Toys To Pets Glubiz Innovagoods only Kr. 86,00
2-i-1 Freezable Chew Toys To Pets Glubiz Innovagoods

2-i-1 Freezable Chew Toys To Pets Glubiz Innovagoods

Kr. 86,00
Kr. 142,00
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If you searches dè most trendy news on market, provides we you lining 2-i-1 freezable chew toys to pets glubiz innovagoods glubizinnovagoods 2-i-1 freezable chew toys to pets have many benefits lining pet thanks be detoriginale multifunctional design. What can easy cooled in freezer past, the laws giverlangvarig cooling, which gives one refreshing past, the laws comfortable feeling aflindring on heat summer days. What is also one effective teething ring, derhjælper the dogs by to massaging gums, strength jaws past, the laws keep teeth reneog healthy, sa dè not father plaque past, the laws tartar.This tyggelegetøjtil pets have one slit, where you can deposit food past, the laws treats, dervækker pet's interest past, the laws motivates what to to play past, the laws move themselves. On denmåde coach you it to to chew better past, the laws further lining to enjoy the reward. Detmindsker also animal anxiety past, the laws entertains what, keeps what active past, the laws forhindrerdet in to bite past, the laws damage andré husholdningsgenstande.Chewy hundelegetøjalsidigt, 2-i-1multifunktionelt designtpr of high quality, safe,non-toxic materialefyldt with 100 % interest kildevandholdbar past, the laws durable, easy past, the laws kompaktkold effect, freeze suitable, egnettil fryserenslids tilyndlingsfoder or godbiddertygge, refreshment,relaxation, entertainment etc..Dental care past, the laws andré funktionerfremmer development of good tyggevanerfremmer pet's physical past, th...
Brand: InnovaGoods
Shipping Cost: 79,00 kr.
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