The Accumulation Of Dirts - Toaster 2 Bread Slices 2 Seats Level 6 Black only Kr. 165,00
The Accumulation Of Dirts - Toaster 2 Bread Slices 2 Seats Level 6 Black

The Accumulation Of Dirts - Toaster 2 Bread Slices 2 Seats Level 6 Black

Kr. 165,00
Expires Thursday 13th March at 23:59

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Product Information

This compact toaster have 2 bread slots, there makes what easy to grates up to 2 slices bread on one time. With 6 different toast settings can you choose, which kind toasted bread you trust: seedli easy toasted to tan toasted bread. Crumb tray, there can tilt up, prisoners avenue dè small crumbs past, the laws makes toaster easy to clean. Moreover, is it easy to store thanks be what compact design past, the laws it integrated cord storage.
Brand: Nedis
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