Port west fp42 6m drop block this drop block is manufactured with swr. Faldblokket follow user movements under use. Drop block have one swivel snap hook with one double security lock past, the laws drop indicator. Features: easy to install maximum load 100 kg retail box lining additional advertising ce certified materials: swr, abs plastic bowl, alloy steel, heat treated wash info: purchase port west fp42 with fisto this swr drop block is easy to install past, the laws easy to do about to one combined listening and listening hængeråndtag, fool one not have someone clips. What is straight on seat as one lightning cleaning of it by to take what light snitt there driver to one stylishly result. This drop block is manufactured with swr past, the laws it have one swivel snap hook. Drop block have one double security lock past, the laws one fall indicator, there gives opportunity lining to see which level decreased is in middle of this bracelet. This quality tested drop block is manufactured with swr lining one easy brugsdrejning. Faldblokket have one swivel snap hook with one double security lock past, the laws drop indicator. Please easy to install past, the laws rismikser what in højdebeskyttelse. Bowl you have one quality assured drop block as is easy to install port west have one strong deals on 6 m drop block. Port west fp42 6m drop block we have now launched this 6 meter long drop block, as is manufactured with stålewire. This drop block follow user movements under use...
Brand: Portwest
Shipping Cost: 0,00 kr.