Port west fp13 port west 2 point fall protection harness this fall protection harness have loops front past, the laws d-ring on back. Much suitable to construction industry. Designed is lightweight past, the laws smooth to use. Features: ce cat iii superior strength d-ring lining past, the laws behind adjustable shoulders,breast past, the laws legs straps breast strap maximum load 100 kg materials: polyester web, alloy steel, heat treated wash info: purchase port west fp13 with fisto there is not something better than faldsikringer, but often challenger dè device. Which means, to one bowl use one especially vehicle lining to could use harness features. Such avoid you these disadvantages by to take one port west 2 point fall protection harness fp13. What have loops front past, the laws d-ring on back past, the laws is suitable to construction industry. Designed is lightweight past, the laws smoothly to use with ce - this fall protection harness is designed with short phrases lining to do what easy lining you to use it. This fall protection harness have loops front past, the laws d-ring on back, as makes it to one much suitable in construction industry. Designed is lightweight past, the laws smooth to use. Port west fp13 port west 2 point fall protection harness fast past, the laws easy to mount past, the laws used to construction industry. This punktsikringssele is lightweight past, the laws smooth to use to to protect themselves himself, your colleagues or prevent damag...
Brand: Portwest
Shipping Cost: 39,00 kr.