Port west fp40 faldsikringsblok with web 3 m retractable web lifeline with one carabiner past, the laws swivel carabiner with double security lock and load indicator. Manufactured of polyethylene web. This drop block have high strength, low weight, uv past, the laws water repellent. Features: ce certified maximum load 100 kg retail box lining additional advertising easy to install materials: abs plastic bowl, polyethylene webbing 3 meter, alloy steel, heat treated wash info: purchase port west fp40 with fisto port west faldsikringsblok with web fp40. 3 M retractable web lifeline with one carabiner past, the laws swivel carabiner with double security lock and indicator load. Manufactured of polyethylene web. This drop block have high strength, low weight, uv past, the laws water repellent. Ce certified height protection purchase one faldsikringsblok with web fp40. With this pad achieves you length of 3 m retractable lifeline. You father also one double security lock and one load indicator. This pad is manufactured of polyethylene web, which gives it highest uv protection past, the laws water repellent properties. Port west faldsikringsblok with web fp40. 3 M retractable web lifeline with one carabiner past, the laws swivel carabiner with double security lock and load indicator. This drop block seedli port west, is one must lining avenue there worker outdoor or have one stairs by help of this product. It is faldbeskyttende past, the laws uv and water repellent, and ce cer...
Brand: Portwest
Shipping Cost: 0,00 kr.