Foam Worth With Yellow Handle only Kr. 30,00
Foam Worth With Yellow Handle

Foam Worth With Yellow Handle

Kr. 30,00
Flying Tiger Copenhagen
Expires Thursday 13th March at 23:59

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Product Information

This foam worth with yellow handle is one fun past, the laws safe legetilbehør to children. Skumsværdet is designed to imaginative play past, the laws adventure past, the laws painter 52 cm in length, which makes what to it perfect size lining young knights past, the laws adventurers. What soft foam gives security under play, sa children can participate in active past, the laws creative swordplay without risk lining to come to damage.
Skumsværdet have one living, multicolor design with one yellow handle, there gives one pleasant grip. It light construction, there painter 17 cm in width past, the laws 6 cm in depth, makes what easy lining children to swing past, the laws maneuver. This toy fas in more designs, sa you can choose what, there match perfect to your child preferences past, the laws legestil.
This foam worth is ideally to one series different legescenarier, including. Let as-about matches, fancy dress parties past, the laws role-playing. What encouraging to physical activity past, the laws imaginative play past, the laws help children with to develop coordination past, the laws creativity. What soft foam ensures, to sword can resist enthusiastic play, while with to what is safe to use.
Short said is skumsværdet with yellow handle one versatile past, the laws fun piece toy to children. Its colorful design, ideal size past, the laws ensure construction makes what to one popular election to imaginative play. Whatever about what is to individual play or group activi...
Brand: Flying Tiger Copenhagen
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