Bambu lab a1 bambu lab a1-printeren, with his breakthrough technology, revolutionizing 3d-printverdenen. Printer sets new standards lining precision, speed past, the laws versatility. With his elegant design past, the laws user-friendly interface integrated bambu lab a1 easy in both professional work environments past, the laws personal creative studies. Active flow control a1 revolutionizing flowreguleringen by 3d-printning. It uses one high res, high frequency virvelstrømssensor to to paint pressure in nozzle. Algorithm adjusts active flowhastigheden based on aflæsningerne lining to ensure high precision by extrusion. Automatic calibration a1 handle avenue calibrations quite independently. It adjusts close z offset, sengejustering, vibrationsresonans past, the laws dysetryk lining each printopgave, automatic. Nozzle with hurtigkobling what new design with hurtigkobling makes what possible to replace printer hotend with one single grip. Active motordæmpning a1 can calibrate parameters lining to match small individual differences medium each drivmotor, which reduces undesirable engine noise. Bed slinger with corexy-hastighed past, the laws quality quite metallic rails, one stiff frame, dysetrykfølere, accelerometre past, the laws one powerful mcu, together with one advanced bevægelseskontrolsystem, makes what possible to print one 14-minutters benchy with high quality, in under to avenue speed benchy rules, directly seedli checkout, without use of specialfilament. Synchro...
Brand: Bambu Lab