Information and præsentationsstativer, as have many different names: panel, display, oversigtssystem, vingeregister, plu keeps, document holder, guidebook.... Whatever the name have it many applications on offices, in stores, kitchens, kassediske, exhibitions etc.. Information, there often used, saved in oversigtssystemet, is foreseeable past, the laws easy to find. Vario table 10 is one complete table stand with 10 non-reflective, scanningsbare plastic pockets black, red, yellow, green past, the laws dark blue of polypropylene to a4-dokumenter. There included demountable 58 mm sidehovedholdere. Fool you sets pockets in past, the laws takes them out, bowl you carefully bend pocket on middle along it interior longside lining to do what easy to put pocket in past, the laws take it out without to damage spikes in holder. Rubber feet keeps it stable. 5 Year guarantee.