Kubb havespillet known also under names as king game past, the laws vikings game. One great fun garden games lining throughout family
Young as old...
Game going out on to get overturned opposing kubb er by help of kastepindene past, the laws to eventually topple king. Passed king underway in game, loser one immediately. One right fun game to garden.
Runway goals should be: b:5 x l:10 meter.
King painter: h:30 x b:6,5 x l:6,5 cm.
Knights painter: h:15 x b:5,5 x l:5,5 cm.
Kastepinde painter: h:30 x island:3,5 cm.
Overall weight: 4,6 kg.
Kit contains
10 Kubb er 1 king 6 kastepinde 4 hjørnepinde 1 storage bag playing
Material: birch.
Age: recommended seedli 3 year.
Number: 1 set
Game review
Kubb family is one really beautiful set of birch in high quality. What is easy past, the laws quickly to go to past, the laws game can subsequent stored in it included storage bag. Kastepindene is customize light, sa children can throw with them, like peasants past, the laws king is customize wide to to could steel fixed on lawn. There is one perfect parlor games, because avenue have great seen, have dè same assumptions lining to play. What will therefore be one obvious game to bring to family reunion, family fun or to one birthday. It oldest teenage daughter have queried about she not matt take over game past, the laws decorate what, sa dè can use what as pageant. I is however, not sure on, we can do without what - lone, game review lining legebyen.Com read throughout spil...
Brand: Bex Sport