Seedli 18 months.
Large viga activity blackboard to to hang on wall shaped as one crocodile. Crocodile have many fun details, as avenue forces motor skills past, the laws eye-hand coordination.
Activity boards forces child concentration, imagination past, the laws dè motor skills.
See also closer on:
- Stock. 102003
Bear - stock. 102002
Brand: viga
Material: wood.
Goals: 91 x 33 x 2,5 cm
Color: green
Age: recommended seedli 18 months.
Number: 1 paragraph
After many hours fun past, the laws instructive play is conclusion ready, this medium crocodile activity blackboard seedli viga, living really up to avenue expectations past, the laws dè creates large delight with children. Villads have shown large interest lining blackboard, straight seedli it came in ate door. I is therefore not in doubt about, to i will recommend these sweet activity boards with expensive to andré parents...
- Carina, reviewer lining legebyen.Com
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Brand: VIGA