Kayak Hydro Force Ventura X2 330x86 Cm only Kr. 2.456,00
Kayak Hydro Force Ventura X2 330x86 Cm

Kayak Hydro Force Ventura X2 330x86 Cm

Kr. 2.456,00
Kr. 3.008,00
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Product Information

This hydro force ventura x2-kajak seedli bestway is perfect to one recreational trip in pool or on one lake. Ventura kayak's nylonbelægning in high quality is particularly built to dè wildest adventurous. It can resist some of dè toughest items, past, the laws it is resistant över lining sun, oil past, the laws seawater. Nylonbelægningen in high quality is also punkteringsbestandig past, the laws built to to resist what rough past, the laws often stony water. This durable kayak can lead you down ate twisted rivers, lakes past, the laws through quiet, open water or över waves ebb past, the laws river. Dè two demountable sidekamre past, the laws scratch with i-beams is manufactured of hardwearing pvc. Dè demountable finns maximizes speed past, the laws gives better directional stability. Boat is equipment with two adjustable seats with storage room, which makes it perfect to adventure with one friend. You can keep your dobbeltbladede aluminiumspadler safe on seat with åreklemmer. Fool kayak is quite bloated with air hammer hand pump, is it 3,3 m long past, the laws can wear up to 200 kg.Material: nylonmål, bloated: 330 x 86 cm l x b brugerkapacitet: 2 adults weight capacity: 200 kgkonstruktion with 3 air chambers two aluminiumspadler on 2,18 m 2 demountable sidekamre past, the laws bottom with i-bjælkeraftagelige finns lining retningsstabilitet2 adjustable seats with opbevaringsrummed åreklemmer fast skrueventiler to bloat past, the laws luftudtagningintegreret afløbsventil...
Brand: Bestway
Shipping Cost: 69,00 kr.
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