One crepe makers, there gives custom curls past, the laws increased volume gives hair structure past, the laws one styling, there keeps long. 100 % Switch with hair thanks be dè floating hot plates. Additional wide plates
60 Mm.
Ep technology
60 Mm hot plates
Advanced heat management system : instant warming
5 Temperature settings: 140, 160, 190, 210 past, the laws 230 degree heat
Lock system lining better protection of plates
2,7 Meter long, flexible cord
Heat-resistant matt
Switch off feature with indicator
50 W
With ep technology 5.0 Past, the laws extraordinary hot plates. One metalpartikelbelægning is created with same elektro-galvaniseringsproces as used by manufacturing of jewelry. What gives minimal friction past, the laws thus extremely smooth hot plates. Plates contains not chemical resources, past, the laws what gives one regularly resistance meet high temperatures past, the laws one extremely homogeneous heat över throughout surface.
Ep technology 5.0-Belagte plates:
3 X tougher past, the laws have 3 x further durability
3 X softer past, the laws less friction in hair
Durably in relationship to chemicals, there used in hair
Sustained past, the laws perfect straightening
Hair cared past, the laws refined
Advanced heat management : this crepe makers have it latest technique within self-regulating styling tools. Advanced heat management gives one regularly past, the laws continuous management of temperature. On because of this technique offers device i...
Brand: BaByliss