Miild 02 Skin Coverage Brush only Kr. 220,00
Miild 02 Skin Coverage Brush

Miild 02 Skin Coverage Brush

Kr. 220,00
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Product Information

This brush have one great combination of one around, pointedly past, the laws compact brush head. This makes, to it is ideal to not only foundation past, the laws concealer, but while can it also used to powder products.
Because. His pointy main, can you easy come in in your eye and by nose with your concealer. Fool you inflict your product, sa makes what in circle movements past, the laws obtain on it made one easy, but nationwide effect. If you wishes one higher opacity, can you apply your product by to dabbing what on your skin.
Our brushes is handmade of dè finest synthetic have. Dè is soft past, the laws good to to intervene product. We have selected to make avenue our brushes of synthetic have, when this is what most hygienically past, the laws allergy friendly.
This brush recommends we, to you wash one time about week. Miild 02 skin coverage brush
Brand: Miild
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