Clear blue digital pregnancy test with veckoindikator 1 st is it first past, the laws only test, there is straight sa reliable as one ultrasound of pregnancy. Its smart dual sensor says with word, about you is pregnant or not on it digital screen past, the laws shows also, where many weeks there is gone ago fertilization weeks ago fertilization displayed as 1 2, 2 3 or 3 . With this graviditetstestkit to home can you test five days before loss of menstruation which is four days before expected menstruation . 65 % Of pregnant results can detected five days before loss of menstruation.
If you tester, before you waiting your menstruation, bowl you use today first urine lining to get one trustworthy result of ugeindikatoren. If you will have more information about product or have issues, can you contact our advice monday to friday medium 09.00 Past, the laws 12.00.
1 Ugeresultatet voted match with 97 % with later ultrasound. Based on studies of 187 women by comparison of outcome with ultrasound. Clear blue digital pregnancy test with veckoindikator, 2 st
Brand: Clearblue