One rose without one törn in conscience only Kr. 0,00
One rose without one törn in conscience

One rose without one törn in conscience

Expires Friday 14th February at 23:59

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Product Information

One rose without one törn in conscience
These roses is not only beautiful dè is
To sell fair trade roses in 2022, is
Also one more responsibly election. One so-called
More than 275. Annually
Fair trade premium appendix ensures better
Directly to them.
Relationship lining blomsterarbejderne in ethiopia.
Besides one
Fair salary
Is there bl.A. Grants
Not enough with what, sa have roses also
To groceries, access to hospital past, the laws
Lower carbon footprint
. Dè grows namely in
Healthcare, training past, the laws
The sun past, the laws not in one heated greenhouse,
Opportunity lining childcare on farms.
Which gives one lower co2-aftryk, himself
What gives blomsterarbejderne one
Fool transport is included. What is
Better everyday
, Past, the laws ago we began
Both beautiful past, the laws smart.
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