Turning- Past, The Laws Play Mat only Kr. 350,00
Turning- Past, The Laws Play Mat

Turning- Past, The Laws Play Mat

Kr. 350,00
Kr. 619,95
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Product Information

Turn and play mat seedli lamaze 
This smart captain calamari turn and play mat seedli popular lamaze is extremely suitable to to train your babys back and forth neck muscles. What is what because, to your baby located on stomach past, the laws while can explore avenue dè exciting things on play rug. Your baby located on one padded past, the laws flytbar-drejsesokkel, as easy these your child around. You can also apply play rug without sokklen, sa your baby can sit or lie on play rug. 
Colorfully turn and play mat seedli lamaze 
Padded past, the laws flytbardrejesokkel, as easy these child around.  
Suitable to to train your babys back and forth neck muscles 
Stimulates your child senses 
Captain calamari
Registered age: 0 months.
Brand: Lamaze
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