Calmi - Eclipse only Kr. 2.099,00
Calmi - Eclipse

Calmi - Eclipse

Kr. 2.099,00
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Product Information

Calmi r129 auto lift meet dè highest safety, past, the laws combines car seat security with hitch cosiness, sa baby can sleep confidently on move. Fool baby located flat in this luxurious auto lift, will your baby be located safe past, the laws in one better position lining healthy sleep past, the laws development of the spine, while with to their main will be located on what surest point in vehicle past, the laws what remotest point away seedli dè rear passagerdøre.
* 180 Flat lying
* Infant body and headrest
* Large hood with upf 50
* Built-in ventilation
Lightweight auto lift
This lightweight on 3,6 kg weighs not more than one general lift past, the laws sa is it heavy on comfort past, the laws security, but not on fill, which makes it easy past, the laws effortless to have with around about. It soft past, the laws upholstered auto lift with 180 flat lying position creates one cozy place past, the laws gives one better oxygen uptake lining one safer nap on move. With baby nestled confidently past, the laws lying in one position, there is better lining spine development, means dè long tures in car, past, the laws it easy installation on stroller, to you can trip further without to interrupt babys sleep. Calmi bowl tighten fixed on one joie car seat base in base lx 2 or in base encore. Both bases require isofix mounting, but what is here it largest security achieved  
Smart travel system
Use calmi r129 together with one matching joie signature aeria - or finiti stroller ...
Brand: Joie
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