Juniortrampolin Med Sikkerhedsnet Kidine Innovagoods see the best price
Juniortrampolin Med Sikkerhedsnet Kidine Innovagoods

Juniortrampolin Med Sikkerhedsnet Kidine Innovagoods

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Product Information

If you have passion lining gadgets, offers innovagoods you dè best past, the laws most original new products to home, car, travel, children, technology, entertainment etc. See what great selection of products of high quality, as stands themselves out thanks be their functionality, efficiency past, the laws innovative design, as f.Example. This juniortrampolin with safety kidine innovagoods kidineinnovagoods juniortrampolin with safety suitable themselves perfect to children, there love athoppe, where what is quite safe. This juniortrampolin contribute to atbooste children physical activity, past, the laws what improves their motor skills past, the laws styrkermusklerne. One fun past, the laws entertaining made to promotion healthy habits on, while manleger past, the laws have what fun.Trampoline can also used as playpen,sa dè minimum can play with their toy in one confidently past, the laws checked space.In addition, can it used as børneboldrum by to fill it with farvedebolde. It can set up indoor past, the laws outdoor past, the laws can even easy tilpassessteder, where there not is much seat.Multifunctional juniortrampolinkan separated ate, modern designhoppeøvelser, legkravlegård, ball room etc.. Uv protection, vandafvisendeunderstøtteren maximum weight on 80 kgbørn,registered age: 3 årbeskyttende safety with lynlåslukningoverdækkede springs, away seedli hoppeområdetstolper lined with stroke repellent skumsunde habits, motion past, the laws sjovhårdt,stable, safe, fixe...

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EAN: 8435527821623
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