Nutrinic Collagen Pure - 150 G see the best price
Nutrinic Collagen Pure - 150 G

Nutrinic Collagen Pure - 150 G

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Product Information

Nutrinic collagen puree:
Is one quality collagen grants, as is clinical tested past, the laws responsibly manufactured. Collagen puree help with to smooth wrinkles past, the laws lines in skin, while it increases skin firmness past, the laws elasticity. Skin will get one great glow past, the laws there coming more life in cheeks.
Collagen puree is 100% clean hydrolyzed marine-kolllagen without andré additives. Hydrolysering is one process, where collagen proteins divided in less chains, lining to what is easier lining your body to digest what. 
Collagen puree is without added taste, past, the laws is therefore excellent in juice, smoothies, coffee past, the laws like. This product can you both dissolve in cold past, the laws heat drink.
Kollagenpeptiderne in collagen puree ecollagen strains seedli world only asc certified collagen production. Therefore is production fully traceable past, the laws living up asc the certification strings environment and dyrevelfærdskrav. Therefore will you love collagen puree.
Why is collagen well lining skin appearance:
Collagen is something we have quite naturally in the body. What form quite up to one third of the body total proteins. You finds what especially in skin, ligaments, bones, tendons past, the laws cartilage.
Already seedli 25 year ages begins the body natural collagen production to fall past, the laws what seen by to skin becomes looser past, the laws begins to form lines past, the laws wrinkles.
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