Colloid Oats Boat 200g see the best price
Colloid Oats Boat 200g

Colloid Oats Boat 200g

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Product Information

Baby bath with oats seedli kraes
Baby bath seedli kraes is one 100% naturally past, the laws soap-free boat to daily weekly use. This variant is with oats past, the laws recommended to children with normal dry itchy skin. Oats promotes one normal ph past, the laws maintaining one protective barrier on skin. In addition, is oats with to to relieve redness, reduce inflammation past, the laws works antipruritic on skin. 
This baby bath is with ingredients of oats past, the laws coconut particularly well to to relieve skin irritations, chickenpox, sunburn, hives, dry past, the laws itchy skin, insect bite past, the laws much another.
Add 2-3 tablespoons under running water in bathtub
Let your baby both in at least 5 minutes
Rinse not after with water, when kraes baby bath have one protected effect
Pat your baby dry with one towel
Rinse after use bathtub of with water
What recommended to test product on one little skin, sa one is sure on not a get one negative allergic reaction
Baby bath seedli kraes
Naturally past, the laws soap-free boat
One ingredient: oats
100% Natural ingredients
Antipruritic past, the laws anti-inflammatory properties
Spoon included
To normal or itchy skin
Without perfume
Without color
Without preservation

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