Badeanstalten Hånd- Og Bodylotion - Hvid The see the best price
Badeanstalten Hånd- Og Bodylotion - Hvid The

Badeanstalten Hånd- Og Bodylotion - Hvid The

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Product Information

Caring lotion to hands past, the laws body with one clean past, the laws fresh fragrance of white thé, citrus past, the laws ginger. Glycerin, almond past, the laws cocoa butter help with to maintain skin softness past, the laws suppleness.
Key ingredients:
White thé extract is rich on antioxidants past, the laws help with to strength skin antioxidant defense.
Hyalauronsyre is one natural part of our body. Substance is in able to to tie great volumes water past, the laws help bl.A. With to keep our part mobile, our eyes moist past, the laws our skin moistened past, the laws springy. Unfortunately falls the body own production of hyalauronsyre with ages. Therefore have we added hyaluronic acid lavmolekylært to this lotion lining to help skin with to retain his firmness.
Opening of pump: start with ensure you to pump is screwed well fixed on bottle. Turn then pump head seedli left closed to right open .

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