Innersense Harmonic Treatment Oil 113ml see the best price
Innersense Harmonic Treatment Oil 113ml

Innersense Harmonic Treatment Oil 113ml

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Product Information

Innersense harmonic treatment oil contains one mixture of oils past, the laws flower essences.
Properties - complex of among andré evening primrose, madacamia past, the laws tamanu - contains vitamins, minerals, proteins past, the laws antioxidants.
- Penetrates deep in in skin, scalp past, the laws have past, the laws adds moisture past, the laws nutrition.
Application - pumping one customize quantity oil out in palm - lots in on body, face, hands, feet - can used to dry cuticles, year, stretch marks past, the laws skin irritation
Use as scalp treatment by to apply in humid have before shampoo past, the laws let it act in 10-15 minutes before hair washed.
Size: 113ml
Innersense organic beauty

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