Sibel Combs 3-6mm 9-12mm see the best price
Sibel Combs 3-6mm 9-12mm

Sibel Combs 3-6mm 9-12mm

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Product Information

Obtain it perfect haircut with these versatile combs, there is designed to to give you precision past, the laws control. Whatever about you is professional hairdressing or only wishes to obtain salonkvalitet home, is these combs one indispensable tool in your klippearsenal. Product details sizes: 3-6mm past, the laws 9-12mm material: durably past, the laws lightweight plastic compatibility: match to dè most standard clippers benefits precision: gives you opportunity lining to obtain one regularly past, the laws uniform haircut each time. Flexibility: two different sizes makes what easy to switch medium different lengths past, the laws styles. Ease: easy to mount past, the laws remove, which saves time past, the laws difficulty. Durability: manufactured of robust material, there ensures sustained use. Perfect to professional hairdressers, there require precision past, the laws reliability. Hjemmebrugere, there wishes to obtain salonkvalitet without to leave home. Avenue, there wishes to experiment with different cut lengths past, the laws styles. Makes your haircut easier past, the laws more exactly with these combs. Book in day past, the laws discover difference

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EAN: 5412058190926
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