Bosch Løvsuger Universal Garden Tidy 3000w - 06008b1001 see the best price
Bosch Løvsuger Universal Garden Tidy 3000w - 06008b1001

Bosch Løvsuger Universal Garden Tidy 3000w - 06008b1001

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Product Information

Bosch løvsuger universal garden tidy 3000w
06008B1001universalgardentidy is 3-i-1-løsningen to effective cleanup in garden. This versatile prosilence garden tool reduces lydeffektniveauet with up to 75 % past, the laws have one much low noise level on 99 db a . Blasting, suction past, the laws comminution you switches quickly past, the laws easy medium features. Moisture resistant jordskærme on opsamlingsposen ensures, to water past, the laws soil headed back to ground. One metalblæser ensures optimal performance past, the laws further runtime, past, the laws it st...

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Kr. 803,00
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Kr. 869,00
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EAN: 4059952553719
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