The Accumulation Of Dirts Pebl140cwt Electrical Carpet Overtæppe 1 Person 180 X 130 Cm 9 Heat Settings Washable Overheat see the best price
The Accumulation Of Dirts Pebl140cwt Electrical Carpet Overtæppe 1 Person 180 X 130 Cm 9 Heat Settings Washable Overheat

The Accumulation Of Dirts Pebl140cwt Electrical Carpet Overtæppe 1 Person 180 X 130 Cm 9 Heat Settings Washable Overheat

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Product Information

This electrical the accumulation of dirts overtæppe is super soft, wonderful hot past, the laws ideally to use indoor on couch or outside on terrace. Set cable seedli fleece blanket in power outlet, select it desired heat setting, past, the laws noticeable heat past, the laws cosiness spread themselves. Reversible what about, or pleats what över legs lining to keep heat on cool evenings. What is also one ideally carpet to sit under, while you looks your favoritserie or enjoy one summer outside on terrace.Fleece blanket have 9 heat settings past, the laws 1-9-hours hours, there off automatic. When regulator is detachable, can you wash carpet.

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EAN: 5412810316939
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