Al-ko Läder C 30 Li 18 V 3,0 A - F. 18 V Series see the best price
Al-ko Läder C 30 Li 18 V 3,0 A - F. 18 V Series

Al-ko Läder C 30 Li 18 V 3,0 A - F. 18 V Series

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Product Information

Al-ko läder c 30 li 18 v 3,0 a
F. 18 V series läder lining battery in 18 v-series läder battery quite on 50 mine. With charger al-ko 18 v c 30 li läder you 18 v battery quite up on only 50 mine. Battery charger al-ko 18 v c 30 li with it original läder al-ko 18 v c 30 li left battery in 18 v series effectively past, the laws quickly. Charger worker with 20 v max. Past, the laws 3 a. Led lamp shows, fool battery is fully charged. With more batteries can you job continuously in garden. Purchase battery charger al-ko 1...

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EAN: 4003718057607
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