Metabo Sxe 425 Turbotec see the best price
Metabo Sxe 425 Turbotec

Metabo Sxe 425 Turbotec

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Metabo sander sxe 425 turbo tec product beskrivelsevario v - electronics to job with speeds, there match to materialetindstillingshjul to preselection of hastighedenturboboost-kontakt: arm of additional ydelsesreserver lining max. Slibeeffektpower control system: no sanding marks by application of it rotating machine on materialetgribeområde with slip softgrip-overfladeaftageligt ekstrahåndtagstøvtætte ball bearings lining long levetidrobust rent a house in diecast aluminiumstøvpos...

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EAN: 4007430164315
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