Mini Rodent Past, The Laws Insect Ultrasound Discourages see the best price
Mini Rodent Past, The Laws Insect Ultrasound Discourages

Mini Rodent Past, The Laws Insect Ultrasound Discourages

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Product Information

Innovagoods offers dè latest products to your home, as f.Example. This mini rodent past, the laws insect ultrasound discourages innovagoods see what great selection of products of high quality, there stands themselves out lining their functionality, efficiency past, the laws innovative design: lighting, storage, decoration, air conditioning, have, pets, cleaning etc..This plug-in discourages is one simple past, the laws effective method to to protect home past, the laws keep them free lining pests. It is perfect to to deter rodents past, the laws insects such as rats, mouse, mosquitoes, kakkerlakker, ants, spiders etc..Material: absfarve: white modern design: innovative past, the laws funktioneltype: afskrækkerøkovenli: no odor or kemikalierca. Reach: 60 m multifunction: agent meet cockroaches, ants, spiders, termitter, moths, mosquitoes, rats mouse...Easy to apply: practical, easy past, the laws sure brugkompakt: fills much lidtlet past, the laws convenient: easy to transport past, the laws opbevareanbefalet use: indoor brugstiktype: cstrøm: 2wspænding: 100-240 vfrekvens: 50-60 hzca. Goals: 6 x 10 x 5 cmemballage past, the laws manual on 24 language: english, french, spanish, german, italian, portuguese, dutch, polish, hungarian, romanian, danish, swedish, finnish, lithuanian, norwegian, slovenian, greek, czech, bulgarian, croatian, slovak, estonian, russian, lettiskemballage past, the laws manual on 24 language: english, french, spanish, german, italian, portuguese, dut...

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