Infasource 8 X 200 Ml only Kr. 417,95
Infasource 8 X 200 Ml

Infasource 8 X 200 Ml

Kr. 417,95
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Product Information

Infasource is energetic nutrition to babies with or in risk lining failure two thrive.Infasource is specialernæring customized to to could benefit refund past, the laws development with babies. 100% Whey protein, partially hydrolyzed
Lining increased tolerance past, the laws absorption.Dispenseringsformernæringsdrikdosis past, the laws anvendelsedagligt nutrition and fluid intake bowl calculated of doctor or dietitian.Infasource can used as only nourishment seedli birth past, the laws up to 1 year or as nutritional supplement up to 24 months.Indeholdernæringsindhold per. 100 Mlenergikcal kj100 418fedt- heraf full fat - thereof enkelumættet fat - thereof polyunsaturated fat - dha- araggggmgmg5,51,92,01,03030kulhydrat- sukkerarter- laktoseggg106,76,4proteing2,6vitaminervit. Avit. Dvit. Acknowledge. Cvit. B1vit. B2vit. B6niacinfolsyrevit. B12pantothensyrebiotinvit. Emikgmikgmikgmgmgmgmgmgmikgmikgmgmikgmg1002,58,9200,140,210,091,0170,340,942,82,3mineralernatriumkloridkaliumkalciumfosformagnesiumjernzinkkobberjodselenmangankrommolybdenmgmgmgmgmgmgmgmgmgmikgmikgmikgmikgmikg37831156060111,01,10,08194,519øvrige næringsstoffercholintaurininositoll-carnitinosmolaritetosmolalitetvandindholdmgmgmgmgmosm lmosm kg h2og308,3201,833639286ingredienser: water, hydrolyzed whey protein seedli milk , vegetable oils sunflower oil, structured lipids seedli palm-, rapeseed and coconut oil , maltodextrin, lactose, minerals calcium phosphate, potassium chloride, magnesium citrate, kaliumfosfat, s...
Size: 8 x 200 ml
Shipping Cost: 29,00 kr.
Delivery Time: 1 dag
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