Adozan powder high-protein 20 x 10 gadozan powder high-protein is one taste neutral protein supplement in powder.Adozan is earlier known as adosan.Dispenseringsformpulver.Dose past, the laws anvendelseet letter can mixed with 125 ml food or drink.Adozan high-protein can mixed in cold past, the laws heat dishes past, the laws is frysestabil. Can also mixed in drink, as f.Example. Milk, squash or juice.Indeholdernæringsindhold per. 100 Genergi1649 kj 388 kcalfedt0 g - thereof saturated fedtsyrer0 g - thereof monounsaturated fedtsyrer0 g - thereof polyunsaturated fedtsyrer0 gkulhydrat0 g - thereof sukkerarter0 gprotein100 gsalt2,4 gklassificeret somproduktet is one food.
Brand: Adozan
Size: 20 x 10 g
Shipping Cost: 29,00 kr.
Delivery Time: 1 dag