Isosource Energy Fibers Smart Flex 500 Ml only Kr. 66,35
Isosource Energy Fibers Smart Flex 500 Ml

Isosource Energy Fibers Smart Flex 500 Ml

Kr. 66,35
Expires Thursday 13th March at 23:59

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Product Information

Isosource energy fibers smart flex is one energy and high fiber gavage with one fedtsyreprofil, there is customized with view on good absorbtion.Contains is50tm, one special fiber mixture, there consists of 50 % soluble prebiotic fibers and 50 % insoluble fibers, as givergod intestinal health past, the laws - function.The level of epa past, the laws dha contribute to one optimally n6:n3 -forhold 4:1 .Gluten past, the laws with low contents of lactose. André contents isosource energy fibers smart flex 1000 ml dispenseringsform nutritional drink dose past, the laws application suitable to patients with additional high energy needs or patients with væskerestriktioner.Used after consultation with doctor or dietitian.Gluten past, the laws with low contents of lactose. Contains nutrient content per. 100 Ml energy kcal kj160 673 carbohydrate
Sukkerarter- laktoseggg19,31,9 protein g6,1 fat
Thereof full fat - mct- thereof enkelmættet fat - thereof polyunsaturated fat - omega 3- heraf epa - thereof dhaggggggmgmg6,221,2421,80,2942,728,9 dietary fiber
Thereof soluble - thereof uopløseligeggg1,50,750,75 vitamins vit. A - thereof betakarotenvit. Dvit. Acknowledge. Cvit. B1vit. B2vit. B6niacinfolsyrevit. B12pantothensyrebiotinvit. Emikgmikgmikgmikgmgmgmgmgmgmikgmikgmgmikgmg170432,212160,240,270,282,7450,580,972,6 minerals natriumkloridkaliumcalciumfosformagnesiumjernzinkkobberjodselenmangankrommolybdenfluormg
Brand: Isosource
Size: 500 ml
Shipping Cost: 29,00 kr.
Delivery Time: 1 dag
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