Peptamen junior advance gavage to children with affected impaired gastrointestinal function.Peptamen junior advance is one energetic past, the laws full gavage with one special composition, there is developed to to cover dè special needs with patients, as is severe to deal with while impaired gastrointestinal function.Peptamen junior advance is particularly customized children seedli 1 year past, the laws consists of 100 % partially hydrolyzed whey protein
Lining better tolerance past, the laws increased protein synthesis 1-3 and lining faster emptying of stomach past, the laws less reflux 4,5 peptamen junior advance contains 60 % of it total quantity fat seedli mct fat past, the laws is enriched with omega-3-fatty acids
Lining optimal absorption past, the laws reduced production of inflammatory metabolites.Peptamen junior advance contains fibers seedli fruktooligosackarider past, the laws inulin
Lining prebiotic effect. Simplink is one unique system to bolustilførsel, as is easy to use, to take with themselves and hygienically.Halal-certified.
Brand: Isosource
Size: 250 ml
Shipping Cost: 29,00 kr.
Delivery Time: 1 dag