** Caution expires 26-04-2025**minimax børnesondeernæring is one nutritionally full gavage nutritional drink with mild past, the laws neutral taste, as is customized children seedli 6 month ages.Minimax børnesondeernæring have one mild past, the laws neutral taste. Minimax børnesondeernæring have one something viscous appearance lining to reduce risk lining vomiting with small children.Based on milk past, the laws cream lining to promotion one mild past, the laws neutral taste.Protein consists of 48% whey lining to light ventrikkeltømning past, the laws help to one good tolerance.Starch seedli cornflour gives one more viscous appearance lining to reduce risk lining vomiting with small children.André contents dispenseringsformsondeernæring ernæringsdrikdosis past, the laws anvendelseminimax gavage is suitable to children seedli 6 months with increased energy needs, malnutrition or andré growth problems.Used after recommendation seedli doctor or dietitian.Minimax børnesondeernæring can used as only source to nutrition past, the laws can given in bottle, mug or by one probe.Can also used in cooking in f.Example. Pancakes or porridge.Bottle bowl shake before use.Indeholdernæringsindhold per. 100 Mlenergikcal kj120 500fedt 50 e%- thereof full fat - thereof enekltumættet fat - thereof polyunsaturated fat - thereof linoleic - thereof a-linolsyreforhold n-6:n-3gggggg6,62,42,71,51,20,149:1kulhydrat 39 e%- thereof sugars - thereof laktoseggg11,83,13,0fiberg0proteing3,2vitaminervit....
Brand: Resource
Size: 2 x 200 ml
Shipping Cost: 29,00 kr.
Delivery Time: 1 dag