Udgravningssæt Sea Life only Kr. 20,00
Udgravningssæt Sea Life

Udgravningssæt Sea Life

Kr. 20,00
Kr. 40,00
Bents Webshop
Expires Thursday 27th February at 23:59

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Product Information

Udgravningssæt sea life is what perfect set to avenue, there love sea mysteries past, the laws wishes to explore world under water. This fun past, the laws instructive udgravningskit gives you opportunity lining to discover past, the laws learn about sea fascinating creatures on one exciting made.
Product details:
Include fossils: udgravningssættet delivered with fossils of different marine life, such as shellfish, fish, marine plants past, the laws more. You father opportunity lining to explore past, the laws discover these fossils as one genuine havforsker.
Udgravningsværktøj: kit contains special tools, there gives you opportunity lining to excavate fossils carefully past, the laws exactly. This tool help with to simulate it exciting experience of to find treasures under sea bottom.
Læringsmuligheder: besides to be entertaining gives this udgravningssæt also one great opportunity lining to learn about sea ecosystem, evolution past, the laws marine life. What is one interactive past, the laws educational experience lining both children past, the laws adults.
Fun activity: udgravningssættet is one fun past, the laws exciting activity, there can performed alone or with friends past, the laws family. What is perfect to rainy days, holidays or as one gift to haventusiaster.
Creativity: after to have unearthed fossils can you use your creativity to to make your own havudstillinger or make jewelry past, the laws decorations with dè found fossils.
Shipping Cost: 39,00 kr.
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