2X colorful skummasker, 2 x maskesnore, 6 x malingsspande, 1 x brush. This creative goals your own mask set seedli cre8 is great lining children. Package include 2 colorful skummasker to paint, 2 cords, 6 malingsspande past, the laws one brush. What perfect set to malerisjov malfarverne include: black, white, red, blue, yellow past, the laws green. Children can create one terrifying tigerdesign or one beautiful butterfly, what only limiting is your imagination
Explore your imagination with cre8 s creative goals your own mask - set
Is you ready to to challenge your imagination past, the laws create great masks cre8 s creative goals your own mask - set is it perfect made to unfold your creativity on this exciting set is created especially to children past, the laws gives you opportunity lining to paint past, the laws decorate two colorful skummasker on your quite own made. With everything, what you need lining to come in time, is this set stuffed with options lining fun past, the laws creative unfolding.
Contents in kit:
Kit contains everything, what there required lining to create your own unique masks. You father not only one, but throughout two colorful skummasker, there waiting on to be turned to artworks. There is also two cords, sa you can wear your finished masks proud. Lining to give you yet more options include kit six colorful malingsspande past, the laws one brush, sa you can add details past, the laws color after your imagination.
Explore colorful options:
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Shipping Cost: 39,00 kr.