Celebration hats superhero team 12 paragraph.
Cupboard one super celebration mood makes your celebration to one super event with our celebration hats superhero team set. This set contains 12 hats in 6 different superheroes designs, where you father 2 of each. These hats is it perfect made to add one celebration past, the laws superheltagtig mood to any event. Let us explore, why celebration hats superhero team is it ideal festtilføjelse.Superhero design:with their superheltmotiver past, the laws colorful designs will these hats immediately create one celebration past, the laws adventurous atmosphere. Dè is perfect to birthday parties, costume parties, superhelttema celebrations past, the laws much more.Fun past, the laws play:children will love to dress themselves out as their yndlingssuperhelte past, the laws use these hats as one part of their festive dressing. What is one great made to bring imagination to live.Easy to use:our hats is easy to wear past, the laws match to both children past, the laws adults. Dè is also light to take on past, the laws take of, sa you can switch medium different superheroes identities.Quality materials:we user only materials of high quality to our hats, sa dè is durable past, the laws can recycled to next celebrations past, the laws events.Many occasions:celebration hats superhero team is versatile past, the laws match to different festive events, where superheroes is required. Whatever about what is one birthday party, one karnevalsfest...
Shipping Cost: 39,00 kr.