Cube Karmasutra only Kr. 6,00
Cube Karmasutra

Cube Karmasutra

Kr. 6,00
Kr. 30,00
Bents Webshop
Expires Monday 10th February at 23:59

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Product Information

Karmasutra cube is what naughty past, the laws fun accessories to one a little more legend past, the laws adventurous sex life. This cube gives the pair opportunity lining to explore different kamasutra posts on one fun past, the laws random made.
Spilfuld intimacy: karmasutra cube makes what fun to introduce new positions past, the laws variations in your intimate moments. What is one exciting made to spice sex life on.
Explore together: cube contains one series different kamasutra posts, past, the laws each throw driver to one new past, the laws exciting experience. What is one great made lining the pair to explore past, the laws communicate about their wishes past, the laws fantasies.
Improves intimacy: by to introduce variation in sex life can karmasutra cube improve couple intimacy past, the laws connection. What is one fun made to remain close past, the laws satisfying each other's needs.
Perfect gift: karmasutra cube makes also one fun past, the laws bold gift to your partner or as one gift to one bachelorette - or bachelor party party.
Legend eroticism: though what is legend, is karmasutra cube still erotic past, the laws passionate. It creates one atmosphere of voltage past, the laws passion.
Karmasutra cube is it ideal add to one fun past, the laws passionately sex life. It creates options lining to explore past, the laws experiment with different posts past, the laws brings fun past, the laws voltage to the bedroom. Sa if you searches to spice your sex life on ...
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