Magic Vandmaleri Køretøjer - Bog Pen only Kr. 12,00
Magic Vandmaleri Køretøjer - Bog Pen

Magic Vandmaleri Køretøjer - Bog Pen

Kr. 12,00
Kr. 120,00
Bents Webshop
Expires Friday 7th March at 23:59

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Product Information

Discover voltage by to paint with water past, the laws see colorful vehicles come to live with our magic vandmaleri køretøjer set. This innovative malersæt consists of one book stuffed with detailed illustrations of different vehicles past, the laws one water filled pen, there makes what easy past, the laws fun lining children to paint. Perfect to small enthusiasts past, the laws art lovers, offers this set hours of creative entertainment without mess.
Features past, the laws benefits:
Magic water paint: use it included vandpen to to paint över sides in the book past, the laws see dè living colors past, the laws køretøjsmotiver doll up. Fool water dryer, disappear colors, past, the laws the book can used again past, the laws again.
Exciting køretøjsmotiver: the book contains more pages with detailed illustrations of different vehicles, including cars, trucks, train past, the laws flight. These motives will fascinate past, the laws inspire children to to explore past, the laws learn about different transport.
Sure past, the laws easy to use: avenue materials is ensure past, the laws non-toxic, which makes this set perfect to children. Vandmalingsprocessen is simple past, the laws rodfri, sa there is no worries about stains or mess.
Reusable pages: fool water dryer, disappear colors, past, the laws sides can used again past, the laws again. This makes kit economically past, the laws environmentally friendly.
Promotes creativity past, the laws learning: by to use water to to...
Shipping Cost: 39,00 kr.
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