Screen V7 L238ips-has-e 23,8 Part Ips 60 Hz 50-60 Hz 23.8 only Kr. 949,00
Screen V7 L238ips-has-e 23,8 Part Ips 60 Hz 50-60 Hz 23.8

Screen V7 L238ips-has-e 23,8 Part Ips 60 Hz 50-60 Hz 23.8

Kr. 949,00
Kr. 1.586,00
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Product Information

If you is wild with it past, the laws electronics past, the laws can like to be updated with technology without to go miss of something, sa purchase screen v7 l238ips-has-e 23,8 part ips 60 hz 50-60 hz 23.8 To one unmatched price.Color: sortforbindelser: hdmiusbvgadisplayportbilledformat: 16:9opløsning: full hdenergiklassificering: fteknologi: ledipsskærm: 23,8 shine: 250 cd m2volt: 100-240 v100
240 Vfrekvens: 60 hz50-60 hzkompatibel: vesa 100 x 100 mmopløsning px : 1920 x 1080 pxtype: skærmplug-in-product: jastiktype: eu-stikskærmens diagonal cm : 60,5 cmkarakteristika: flat skærmjusterbarroterenderegulerbarindbyggede højttalereland area lining production: kinakontrastforhold: 1200:1finish: matporte: audio indgangaudio outputinkluderer: strømkabeladaptervinkel: 178 mounting: vesahastighed: 60 hz
Brand: V7
Shipping Cost: 69,00 kr.
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