This wire mesh is not only ideally as fence past, the laws to protection of trees past, the laws plants, what is also perfect to aviaries past, the laws rabbit - or kyllingebure. What is ideally to use to poultry farms past, the laws henhouses. What gives you opportunity lining to fence less areas to livestock quickly past, the laws flexible. The wire mesh is made of robust steel past, the laws have one pvc coating, which makes what resistant över lining water past, the laws poorly weather, past, the laws what is harmless lining soil, expensive past, the laws plants. Our wire mesh is easy to use past, the laws can bend or cut in any desired form.Color: gråmateriale: steel with pvc coating goals: 25 x 1 m l x h maskelængde: 50 mmrulle, diameter: 12 cmtråd, thickness: 0,9 mmmed hexagonal masks
Brand: Boligcenter
Shipping Cost: 69,00 kr.