This garden fence with posts have one single, but practical design, past, the laws what match to any have. This hegnspanel is manufactured of strong, powder coated steel, past, the laws what will be one robust past, the laws durable fencing of garden. Our hegnspanel is weather and korrosionsbestandigt, past, the laws what is ideally to to keep undesirable guests away seedli your property. Havehegnet is easy to setup thanks be dè included installation materials. Package contains 1 hegnspanel, 2 posts past, the laws installation materials.Color: black material: powder coated stålproduktmål: 181 x 150 cm l x h goals, panel: 170 x 100 cm l x h vejrbestandigtpakken contains 1 hegnspanel, 2 posts past, the laws installation materials
Brand: Boligcenter
Shipping Cost: 69,00 kr.