Multicolour Unicorn Lamp Ledicorn Innovagoods only Kr. 42,00
Multicolour Unicorn Lamp Ledicorn Innovagoods

Multicolour Unicorn Lamp Ledicorn Innovagoods

Kr. 42,00
Kr. 49,00
Expires Thursday 13th March at 23:59

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Product Information

If you have passion lining gadgets, offers innovagoods you dè best past, the laws most original new products to home, car, travel, children, technology, entertainment etc. See what great selection of products of high quality, as stands themselves out thanks be their functionality, efficiency past, the laws innovative design, as f.Example. This multicolour unicorn lamp ledicorn innovagoods what is what perfect light, as can placed on bedside table in children's rooms about night you can use what as one nattelampe past, the laws otherwise andré lights, is it much more sure, when it not will go in pieces if it falls on floor past, the laws it becomes not sa hot to one burns fingers, if one touching it. Children can also use it as one fun toy. Material: naturgummifarve: white modern design: innovative past, the laws funktioneltype: part lampebørns: perfect as nattelampeled rgb: sequence part multifarvetkarakteristika: becomes not vår past, the laws gives not forbrændingerenkelt button: switch sluk-knapnem to apply: comfortable past, the laws easy to anvendemultifunktion: have different applications past, the laws mellemrumkompakt: fills much lidtoriginal past, the laws notebook: without kablerlet past, the laws convenient: easy to transport past, the laws opbevareantal batteries: 3batteritype: aaabatteri included: ingenanbefalet age: 3 arca. Goals: 9 x 11 x 10 cmemballage past, the laws manual on 24 language: english, french, spanish, german, italian, portuguese, dutch, polis...
Brand: InnovaGoods
Shipping Cost: 79,00 kr.
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