You can easy place past, the laws clamp one kayak or canoe on trailer, past, the laws sa is you ready to to go. What spring-loaded tripod supports trailer on country lining fast release of water. Kajakvognen is equipment with stødfangere of foam on each wishbone lining better protection. Dè great demountable, inflatable wheel can easy go över sand past, the laws gravel. On despite of it massive aluminum construction, as makes trailer robust past, the laws gives it one long life, is trailer easy in weight past, the laws really easy to transport. It can also folded together lining easy storage.Weight: 3,6 kghjuldiameter: 25 cmproduktmål, folded together: 72 x 50 x 26 cm l x b x h product targets, unfolded: 72 x 50 x 42 cm l x b x h product targets, wishbone: 30 x 15 cm unfolded max. Capacity: 70 kgstelmateriale: aluminum
Brand: Boligcenter
Shipping Cost: 69,00 kr.