Innovagoods offers dè latest products to your home, as f.Example. This anti mosquitoes suction lamp at virvel innovagoods see what great selection of products of high quality, there stands themselves out lining their functionality, efficiency past, the laws innovative design: lighting, storage, decoration, air conditioning, have, pets, cleaning etc..At virvelinnovagoods anti myggelampe with suction power is much effective to immediately to fjernemyg, flies past, the laws andré flying insects. What is one lethal trap forinsekter, when its uv part-light attracts insects, as then sucked in medstor suction power past, the laws caught in one container, where dè killed past, the laws not can escape.This uv - anti-myggelampe meet mosquitoes is lethal lining mosquitoes, but uskadeligfor people past, the laws pets.Device is silent,clean, sure past, the laws environmentally friendly, when it not require kemikaliereller toxins, deliver bad odor or doing annoying sounds, sa you kansove peacefully by ago of it about night without to be upset in your søvneller rest.Light can nemttilsluttes to one usb activated unit fool as anywhere past, the laws where as anywhere.It can used both indoor past, the laws outdoor: home, on office, pårestaurant, in garden, on balcony, terrace, camping etc.. Ideal to living room, the bedroom,office past, the laws workshops etc..Electrical mosquito repellent with sugekraftoriginalt, modern past, the laws compact design6 uv part with high intensitetog tiltræk...
Shipping Cost: 79,00 kr.